Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How much is the life a soldier worth? is reporting that our president is trying to halt all military pay raises and up Tricare fees due to tough economic times.  Now while I understand that our country is in a HUGE financial crisis, halting pay raises, and increasing Tricare fees at a time where military deaths are at an all time high for this war seems hugely disrespectful.  The president is also proposing that soldiers not be able to collect on retirement until age 60.  This leaves soldiers forced to stay in the military, cause more strain on their body physically and emotionally, and leaves families that are already suffering from the strain of deployment to suffer even more.  If soldiers are suffering now, can you imagine the strain after 44 years?  Most soldiers won't live to age 60 because of the strain on their body from all of the stress.

So I ask this, what is a soldier worth?  What is their life worth?  What is their family worth?   Studies have shown that the wife and children suffer almost as much stress mentally as the the soldier.

So I ask you, what is the life of a soldier worth?

1 comment:

  1. I have just started to see a few things about this and I really need to read more. I am disgusted at the thought of freezing pay and upping TRICARE fees. And no retirement until 60 is just crazy. Kevin isn't even active and the stress it has caused for us in the past year and a half has been overwhelming. I know it doesn't compare to deployment, but it still has been very hard on all of us. When are they going to freeze politicians salaries? Or better yet give them a pay decrease!!!!!
